Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Russian Blue Cats :)

Russian Blues are scared of strangers, and will hide when company comes over. This breed is fussy about its litter box, and wants it kept very clean. If the box is dirty, a Russian Blue may decide to eliminate elsewhere. Russian Blues can be very independent. The Russian Blue are not believed to be related to other short-coated blue breeds, like the Korat, Chartreux or the British Shorthair. The Russian Blue cat breed is apparently a very old breed, originating naturally rather than though selectively breeding-though for most of the twentieth century the breed was developed selectively in the US in the twentieth century, including through out-crosses with other breeds.
While it is generally agreed the breed originated in Russia, its exact origins are less certain. The most common theory is that they originated at the port at Archangelsk Isle, which is in the north of Russia. Some legends say that the cats were feral and were hunted for their coats. Yet despite this legend of the breed's rough and tumble origins, it is also said that the breeds were kept by both Russian czars and English kings and queens. One legend even says that one cat acted as a charm to help heal a sick young Russian prince.

The Russian Blue has a distinctive plush double coat which is silky soft like the fur of a seal. This graceful elegant cat is a bright even blue colour with silver tipped guard hairs giving it a silver sheen. The Russian Blue has vivid green eyes and a mauve or lavender pink nose leather and paw pads. Their whisker pads are prominent which sometimes makes them look like they are smiling.

The Russian Blue has a quiet sometimes shy although very affectionate personality. They are very soft spoken and you rarely hear them speak. They are very well suited to indoor life.
The Russian Blue's quiet tranquil personality may best suit a family with the same characteristics. They are very loyal and become devoted to their owners.
The Russian Blue is an intelligent cat, playful and sweet. They like to join in family activities.
Russian Blue History
Much of the Russian Blues' early history is unknown although they are thought to have originated in Russia. An earlier name for them was the Archangel Cat, as they were believed to come from a port city in Russia named Archangelsk. They were first imported into England in the late 1800s.

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